What Is E.C.C.O.?
The Name
E.C.C.O. is an acronym which stands for the words Earth Coincidence Control Office.
The name comes from a book titled Dyadic Cyclone written by John and Antonietta Lilly.
“I was a Prada-suit motherfucker. I was running a limousine company. But when the last financial crisis hit, I lost all my lines of credit and the whole thing came apart. I felt too old to start again. My wife would come home from work and find me still in my pajamas, reading magazines and newspapers. This was in August—when school really starts to crank up.
I kept seeing these articles about underfunded schools: no art, no gym, no music. My kids went to private school, so these conditions were hard for me to imagine. It seemed sensational.
So one morning I got on the subway and took it to 135th street in Harlem. I couldn’t have been more arrogant. I walked through the doors of the first elementary school I could find, asked for the principal, and said: ‘I’m here to try to break the cycle of poverty.’
She assigned me to the lunchroom, and that’s where I started volunteering five days a week. I was just going from table to table, talking to the kids. But they gravitated toward me. They listened to me. They called me ‘Mr. Tony.’ At home I was just ‘Dad.’ I was kinda a dick. I was old news. But Mr. Tony was bigger than Barack Obama. These kids loved the shit out of me.
I had nothing to give, nothing to promise. But they acted like I was Santa Claus. Each one of them reminded me of my own kids. It was the exact same goofiness. So when I learned that almost half of them were living in homeless shelters, that shit drove me crazy. It tore me up.
I was looking for some way to help-- anything. Across the street from the school was an old community garden that had been abandoned. It was full of junk: car over here, engine over there. The kids called it the ‘haunted garden,’ cause it was nothing but cats, rats, and scary old people.
So I contacted the Parks Department. I did the paperwork. I got the license and the key. Then I started hauling out the junk, one piece at a time. It took me six weeks. The kids kept asking me what I was planning to do, but I had no idea.
Then one morning a little girl tugged on my shoulder. A tiny little thing with glasses so big. Her name was Nevaeh. ‘Heaven’ spelled backwards. And she said, "Mr. Tony, why don’t we plant something?"
I knew nothing about gardening. But I knew how to google. So I looked up some easy stuff to plant. Turns out it’s hard to mess up herbs. So I went to the clearance rack at Home Depot and got some herbs. All of the soil was contaminated, so I backed up a dump truck full of organic soil. Nevaeh’s kindergarten class came out and planted the first seedlings.There wasn’t much structure in the beginning. A lot of times I’d just sit around with the kids and look at clouds. But over time the garden became a sort of outdoor science classroom. All of us were learning together. If something died, we’d just try a new spot. We learned about worms, and lady bugs, and praying mantises. Then we learned about food systems.
I couldn’t help but notice the diets of these kids: all sugar and processed food. Some of them couldn’t name a single vegetable. But how could you blame them? There are 55 fast food restaurants in this community, but not a single supermarket. So we started growing vegetables in our garden.
Not all of the kids were into it. But in every class there would be two or three— who were always around, and involved. Nevaeh was one of those kids.
She came to all the camps. She came on the nature walks. She just stuck to me.
At first her mother was skeptical, but she could see the consistency. And soon she was bringing Nevaeh to work with me in the garden on weekends.
In the beginning Nevaeh was sorta quiet, and off to the side. But over time she took ownership of the garden. Those became her plants, not mine. Whenever volunteers came to help with composting-- Nevaeh would take the lead. And if you were doing it wrong, she’d grab that rake right out of your hands.
Ten years have passed since we planted that first garden. And Harlem Grown has expanded to 12 different urban farms. 6,000 pounds of organically grown products have been given to the community free of charge. But the plants are just a byproduct. We’re trying to grow healthy children. But not just children. All of us are learning together. Today our most important employee is Nevaeh’s mom. She’s learned more about gardening than any of us. And she’s the Agricultural Director of all our farms.
When you sit in this garden on a summer day—you hear things. There are fourteen homeless shelters within a four-block radius. So when it’s hot outside, and the windows are open, you can hear the stress of poverty. Sometimes mothers will yell at these kids like they’re grown men. They’ll call them names. They’ll tell them: ‘you can’t,’ and ‘you won’t.’ After awhile the kids start to believe it.When they first come into this garden— they’re so freakin’ happy. Especially the really young ones. But at the end of the day, they’ll say: "I’m going home." And home means the public children's shelter.
It’s an epidemic, man. 115,000 kids in this city are living in shelters. It’s a freakin’ epidemic. But it’s invisible. You’d never know these kids are homeless, because they’re so happy. But something happens around 9, 10, 11 years of age. I see it all the time. Those eyes dim. It’s their life. There’s too much stress around here. And they grow up fast. They lose that light.
I just want to slow it down, that’s all. I want them to have a safe place where they can just be themselves. That’s all any of us want, right? To slow it all down so we can find out who we are?
I was such an arrogant motherfucker when I first came here. I was unhealthy. I was 52 pounds heavier. I was depressed. My entire life was about things and money. I was doing it all wrong. Yet I came to this school thinking I knew all the answers. I thought I was going to fix these kids. But they were so fucking happy, and I wasn’t. They didn’t need to become like me. They needed to stay like them.
It hurts my heart to say, because it means I’m getting old - but Nevaeh is all grown up now. She’s sixteen. Straight A student. Honor roll up and down. I still do my best to help her whenever I can. Recently she had a C in math, so I said: ‘Let’s find you a private tutor, I’ll pay for it.’ But she wouldn’t let me. She grabbed the rake out of my hand. She said: ‘No Mr. Tony, I got this myself.’ And she got a 93 on that final test. She was the tiniest little thing when I met her. With glasses so big. But even back then she had everything she needed. It just required a little protection. And a little time. She just needed some space to grow.”
From Humans Of New YorkHow To Become An Agent Of E.C.C.O.
In one's life there can be peculiarly appropriate chains of related events that lead to consequences that are strongly desired. After such experiences, one wonders how such a series of events developed. Sometimes there is a strong feeling that some intelligence (greater than ours) directed the course along certain lines which It/He/She was/is programming. Several years ago, I enunciated a format for such concatenations of events. It goes like this:
There exists a Cosmic Control Center (C.C.C.) with a Galactic substation called Galactic Coincidence Control (G.C.C.). Within this is the Solar System Control Unit (S.S.C.U.), within which is the Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.). The assignments of responsiblities from the top to the bottom of Submitthis system of control abides by a set of regulations, which are translated by E.C.C.O. for humans somewhat as follows:
If you wish to control coincidences in your own life on the planet Earth, we will cooperate and determine those coincidences for you under the following nine conditions:
1) You must know/assume/simulate our existence in E.C.C.O.
2) You must be willing to accept our responsibility for control of your coincidences.
3) You must exert your best capabilities for your survival programs and your own development as an advancing/advanced member of E.C.C.O.'s Earthside Corps of Controlled Coincidence Workers. You are expected to use your best intelligence in this service.
4) You are expected to expect the unexpected, every minute and every hour of every day and of every night.
5) You must be able to maintain conscious/thinking/ reasoning no matter what events we arrange to happen to you. Some of these events will seem catachlysmic/catastrophic/overwhelming. Remember: Stay aware, no matter what happens/apparently happens to you.
6) You are in our training program for life. There is no escape from it. We (not you ) control the long-term coincidences. You (not we) control the shorter-term coincidences by your own efforts.
7) Your major mission on Earth is to discover/create that which we do to control the long-term coincidence patterns. You are being trained on Earth to do this job.
8) When your mission on planet Earth is completed, you will no longer be required to remain/return there.
9) Remember the motto passed to us (from G.C.C. via S.S.C.U.): "Cosmic Love is Absolutely Ruthless and Highly Indifferent. It teaches its Lessons whether you like/dislike them or not.
(Excerpt from the book Dyadic Cyclone by John and Antonietta Lilly)
When E.C.C.O. needs to move you, for example from one job to another job, or from one place to another place on Earth, etc., it wants to move you using the least amount of energy. The more mass you have, the more energy E.C.C.O. must use to move you . The kind of mass that E.C.C.O. cares about is your Box's psycho-emotional Reactive Baggage. This kind of Baggage includes: Denial, Confusion, Reasons, Prejudices, Projections, Assumptions, Conclusions, Expectations, Positionality, Judgements, Beliefs, Stories, Lying, Resentment, Manipulation, Revenge, FantasyWorlds, Reactivity, SelfDeception, and Justifications. You can become more interesting and practically useful for E.C.C.O. by getting rid of more and more of your Baggage so it is easier to move you around when needed.
The more Agency you have in a wider selection of skillsets, the greater variety of jobs E.C.C.O. can adopt you in. If you are specialized in only one or a few areas, the longer E.C.C.O. may have to leave you on the shelf between jobs, trying to find something that fits your limited expertise. As Robert A. Heinlein says, "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." There is an old saying that says, "A Jack-Of-All-Trades is the Master of none." What this idea overlooks is that the Jack-Of-All-Trades is a Master of the Jack-Of-All-Trades Trade, perhaps the most difficult and yet useful of all the trades to master. It is the trade of using the Rules Of Chaos. It is also the trade of the Possibilitator.
If your time is fully occupied by your commitment to your daily or weekly schedule, then there is not enough slack in your life for miraculous coincidences to occur. To become more available for E.C.C.O., shrink your NOW down so that it is smaller than the Gap beteen moments. This is when you will notice opportunities for accepting Nonlinear and Unreasonable offers of E.C.C.O. which you could not perceive before. It is not as if you were ignoring the offers. You actually had no Free Attention with which to perceive the offers because all of your Attention was occupied by your plans. If your NOW is as big as your weeky schedule, then there are no Gaps through which you can perceive the offers, and E.C.C.O. has to pass you by.
Who can you talk to? If there are certain people you cannot talk to because your Child Egostate is too afraid of making a mistake, or Prejudiced against them (or for them), or because that person is beneath (or above) you in Status, or because your Gremlin cannot be stopped from creating Low Drama with their Gremlin, or because they do not have the same religious Beliefs as you do, or because your Box and Gremlin freak out being seen talking with someone who is too fat, or too perfect, or too poor, or too weird, or too powerful or too powerless or too whatever, E.C.C.O. has to regard you as handicapped and boring. If you cannot connect with anyone and create interesting conversations with High Quality Questions or Nonlinear Space Navigating, if you cannoy provide anyone with Nonmaterial Value, if you cannot Improvise in an unexpected or uncontrollable situation, E.C.C.O. must go look for another Possibilitator to slide in and do the job at hand.
Your Box defends its sovereignty by claiming to know. Learning something new challenges your Box’s knowledge dominion. Since Boxes defend their territory with a vengeful Gremlin, your first step in learning is to unlearn, to dismantle the certainty with which your Box paints its interpretations over your direct experience of the world. Adopting unlearning and Not Knowing as part of your daily practice keeps you Liquid enough that E.C.C.O. can move you even during the course of your daily life. When you relocate your Point Of Origin from the Purpose of Defending Yourself to the Purpose of Expanding Yourself, suddently E.C.C.O. has the sense that you are on its side as a powerful ally.
How to make yourself light enough, versatile enough, interesting enough, available enough, and liquid enough that when the Team at E.C.C.O. has a job for which you fit their specifications, they can snap you up, move you into a different gameworld, and give you work to do that serves the Evolution Of Consciousness?
Now... isn't that a different sort of question?
The answers will probably all invove becoming a different sort of you, almost like learning the wide variety of skills needed to be a spy, but working instead for E.C.C.O. - a 'four letter Agency' - rather than working for any of the 'three letter agencies' (CIA, IRS, FBI, NSA, DIA, NGA, DEA, etc.). It is a bright future for you and your gameworld when your services are being used by evolutionary forces of the Universe.
E.C.C.O. Experiments
No one can experiment for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from experimenting.
Something interesting happens when you experiment under your own volition: You Shift Identity.
You become an Experimenter.
The world works differently for you if you are an Experimenter.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.01
Come together in your Team (for example, your Study Group, S.P.A.R.K. Experiment Circle, Research Team, Possibility Team, Whole Permaculture Team, Rage Club, Fear Club, 3 Cell, Safe Circle, Riftwalker Team, Edgeworker Team, Growness Team, Trainer Path Team, Whole Permaculture Team, New Refugees Circle, Village Seeds Circle, Earth Guardians Circle, Village Weavers Circle, Evolutionaries Circle, Gameworld Builders Circle, Possibility Coaches Circle, Possibility Mediators Circle, Possibility Psychologists Circle, Memetic Engineers Circle, Mage Training Circle, etc. )
Spend 30 minutes in silence together and write into your Beep! Book as clearly and specifically as you can all of the amazing coincidences that have resulted in you being there at this Team meeting now.
Then ask each person who would like to, to read what they wrote. While you listen to other people's life change points, try to get into contact with the subtle miraculous nature of such coincidences working out:
- What were the random chances of this?
- What were the benefits and blessings of this?
- What if this did not happen and something else did?
- Who would you be then?
Try to picture a General Field of Consciousness that is so complex and intelligent that it could cause such incredible coincidences to work out for everyone all over Earth all at the same time...
Try to picture the series of coincidences being worked out for all of your ancestors so that you could be alive now...
What does this do to you? How do you fit this into your worldview?
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.02
In your next Team meeting, select a Spaceholder, create an Extraordinary meeting Context, and have a Discovery Speaking conversation to discover and list all the ways human beings can block beneficial coincidences personally, professionally, organizationally, and culturally.
Then invent and list ways to counteract E.C.C.O. and cut the flow between you, your life, your projects, and E.C.C.O.'s intentions for the evolution of consciousness.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.03
In your next Team meeting, select a Spaceholder, create an Extraordinary meeting Context, and have a Discovery Speaking conversation to discover and list all the ways human beings can amplify, stay open to, and receive all of E.C.C.O.'s beneficial coincidences personally, professionally, organizationally, and culturally.
Then invent and list ways to establish rapport and flow between you, your life, your projects, and E.C.C.O.'s intentions for the evolution of consciousness.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.04
In your next Team meeting, select a Spaceholder, create an Extraordinary meeting Context, and have a Discovery Speaking conversation to discover and list all the moves E.C.C.O. makes to work in people's lives. What are the strategies E.C.C.O. uses to get people's attention, the tricks it uses to move people elegantly from here to there, the clues it drops in plain sight to jolt people into wakefulness?
Then, discover the particular ways that E.C.C.O. speaks to you. Use your team to find out which of E.C.C.O.'s moves you are already aware of, and which you probably ignore in your life.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.05
In your next Team meeting, go around your Circle one person at a time and each time have a Scribe for that person. (The Team Scribe is someone volunteering to document what is said in fast, legible handwriting.) Use your full group intelligence to have the Scribe write down the following 3 things in that person's Beep! Book:
- (15-20 minutes per person) What opportunity Doorways are open to that person in their near vicinity in their life right now? In other words, what could that person possibly Choose right now, or Decide right now (either for or against something) that E.C.C.O. is offering them but they cannot see because of their own Box's Assumptions, Expectations, Beliefs, Conclusions, Positionality, Prejudices, Judgements, or Projections? Say these possibilities out loud so the Scribe can write them all down. What is in front of that person as an amazing opportunity that they are missing? Give them evidence that what you say is true. Make sure all these details are written neatly into their Beep! Book.
- (2 minutes) Ask the person to review the list of Doorway opportunities you just made for them, and then to choose one. Write down into their Beep! Book which of E.C.C.O.'s Doorways they chose.
- (8 minutes) The Team then invents practical Experiments that the person could do to actually go through the opportunity Doorway. They may ask questions. Experiments and answers to their questions are also written down in their Beep! Book by the Scribe. They may need to go through an Emotional Healing Process in another room with one or two Possibilitators at this point while you continue this Experiment with the next person. That would be a good sign...
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Each person who participates in the team is eligible to earn Matrix Points for this.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.06
Go for an E.C.C.O. walk for one hour. Your starting point is your home in your city or village, not out in a forest or nature.
For an hour, do not let your mind decide where to walk. Let ECCO tell you to turn left, right, knock on a door, talk to different people and walk into shops and buildings that you would not normally enter unless ECCO tells you. Follow the impulses.
Try to look past your Assumptions, Expectations, Beliefs, Conclusions, Positionality, Prejudices, Judgements, and Projections, to see what opportunities are happening. See what you are enabled to be in service of, with what is presented to you. What is E.C.C.O. showing you? Inside of these buildings and shops or during your conversations with people, find out why E.C.C.O. brought you there.
Take notes of what you Notice.
- What opportunities are you taking? What opportunities are you light enough light enough for, versatile enough for, interesting enough for, available enough for and liquid enough for to take?
- Which opportunities are you not taking? Which opportunities are you not light enough, not versatile enough, not interesting enough, not available enough and not liquid enough for? Where are you stopped by your Box, your reactivity, your Gremlin, your Child Ego State, your Parent Ego State?
Do not beat yourself up. Just Notice. Let your 5 Bodies integrate. Celebrate. Let the Noticing do its work.
In the following days, let E.C.C.O. tell you the moment to write about this walk. Then, write an article about what the essence was. What stayed with you? Let E.C.C.O. tell you what to do about this.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.07
In your next Team Meeting, hold space for each person to build their very own, personalized E.C.C.O. Impulse Detector. An E.C.C.O. Impulse Detector is an energetic tool that you fit onto yourself that lets you know when you are receiving an impulse from E.C.C.O.
For this experiment, split up into pairs. One person is the client, the other is the Spaceholder. The Spaceholder walks the client through the following steps:
- Close your eyes. Click your Clicker and declare yourself just outside the door of your energetic laboratory.
- Open the door to your energetic laboratory, and go to the sink and wash your hands.
- Now, approach your tool bench. At your tool bench you have all of the materials you need to build your E.C.C.O. Impulse Detector. You have saws, a soldering iron, strips of wood, rebar, cogs, screws, screwdrivers, glue that never stops sticking, pipes, buzzers, wires, etc.
- Now, using these tools and materials, put together your E.C.C.O. Impulse Detector. Let your hands shape it. It does not need to be complicated or overly elegant. It simply needs to serve its function. Make sure to include whatever mechanism is necessary in your design to cut through your own sleeping state and wake you up to the impulses of E.C.C.O.: a loud bell, a horn, a trumpet that plays the reveille, an alarm clock sound. (Give the client between 2 - 3 minutes to do this.)
- Put the finishing touches on your E.C.C.O. Impulse Detector. Now, find a place on your body to install this Detector. Where does it naturally go? When you find the place, install it. You can always change the position later.
- Next, let's test it. Keep your eyes closed. On the count of three, I will snap my fingers to represent an E.C.C.O. Impulse, and when it does, make sure the Detector goes off. 1, 2, 3... [Snap Fingers].
- Did it work? If yes, great. If no, what do you need to change in the design? Change that now, and then we will repeat the test.
- Good. Now, close up your laboratory so that it is ready for you to use again in the future. Wash your hands. Clean up your materials and tools. Turn out the light. Close and lock the door.
After the Spaceholder has taken the Client through these steps, switch directions. The Client is now the Spaceholder, the Spaceholder is now the Client. Repeat the process.It can also be helpful to have everyone draw a picture of their E.C.C.O. Impulse Detector and share them as a group at the end of the process.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.08
The world is abundant in forces and resources that want to support and propel your evolutionary journey forward. One access point for such resources is to take a Journey into the Earth. Before taking a Journey into the Earth, read the entire Journey Into The Earth website so that you get the precise instructions for the process.
Prior to journeying into the Earth, you must have a question that you will carry with you—a genuine, authentic necessity about which you need next steps. For this experiment, your question will be something along the lines of, "How can I become a better agent of E.C.C.O.?" After you ask this question, just listen. What do you need to change? What practices do you need to adopt? What do you have to create? Who do you have to go meet? Where do you need to travel?
Be sure to write down everything exactly as it comes to you.
When the journey is over, start taking next steps immediately. Do not wait.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.09
This experiment requires you to use your Conscious Fear. Do not try to hide or suppress your Conscious Fear as you engage in this experiment.
Scroll down your contact list and ask E.C.C.O. to tell you where to stop it. The person who is under your thumb, call them up and say "E.C.C.O. told me to call you. What do you need to tell me?"
Thank them for their message, whatever it is. Make it a fifteen-minute call.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.10
Go to the downtown area of whatever place you are living in, put out a basket as if you are beginning, and then put up a sign that says, "Begging For Ideas." When people stop to engage with you, say to them, "Please give me ideas about what we can do to..." and then finish the sentence as you speak. For instance, you might finish the sentence with "...improve the city," "...stop climate change," "...help people discover what is possible with transformation," "...get people to quit their day jobs and instead pursue lives of adventure."
Have a notepad, and as people begin to speak, write whatever they say on the notepad. When the finish speaking, tell them, "Thank you," tear out the sheet of paper, and place it in the basket.
At the end of your time on the street, collect all of the ideas together and write them in an article that you publish somewhere online where others can access it.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.11
For your next project or venture, instead of going the traditional route of asking people to join your team, rely on E.C.C.O. to help with the teambuilding.
To do this, simply say aloud: "Hello E.C.C.O. I am looking for two teammates to build this project [say exactly what the project is]. Please send me two possible collaborators in the next week."
Then, during the next week, tune your E.C.C.O. Impulse Detector to extra-sensitive. Notice new people who show up in your world. When a stranger makes eye-contact with you, rather than letting it go by, check it out. Ask them who they are. Tell them about your experiment. Do not miss the signals.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.12
Whether you know it or not, one of the chief places E.C.C.O. is at work in your life is in your relationships and intimacy. The people who are around you now are the people E.C.C.O. placed around you. Looking more closely at these relationships will give you hints about projects, collaborations, and connections that you might be blocking.
Start by drawing a diagram of the people that E.C.C.O. has arranged for you to be in contact with. To do this, first place a dot in the middle of a blank piece of paper. This dot is you. Then draw a layer of dots around 'you' to represent the people who are closest to you now. Then do another layer and another layer, collecting together and diagramming 20 or 30 of your closest connections.
Next, take a look at three of these connections and notice how you are blocking them. Say to yourself, "E.C.C.O. put this guy close to me because E.C.C.O. is trying to orchestrate situations and interactions for evolution. How am I blocking evolution from happening here? How am I getting in the way? What am I missing? What does this guy have for me?"
When you have discovered what you have to discover, reach out to each of these three connections and start a conversation to discover what E.C.C.O. might have for you and how you might serve evolution together.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.13
Start by visiting the website Archiarchy Kiva, a nonprofit microloan gameworld that connects you with and allows you to lend small amounts of money to people all around the globe. Please read up about our Archiarchy Kiva Team.
When you go to the actual KIVA site, begin browsing through the different loan applicants and their projects. Let E.C.C.O. choose for you who you lend your first 25 Euros to. We hope that you join our Archiarchy Kiva Team and loan your money in our name!
After you lend the money, reach out to the person directly and find out what E.C.C.O. is up to. What message is E.C.C.O. trying to send by connecting you with this person? Why would you be attracted to them?
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.14
For this experiment, you become E.C.C.O.'s scribe. Sit down with a pen and your Beep! Book and begin writing a poem from E.C.C.O. Sense into the heart of E.C.C.O. and let this push your pen. Start with the words, "I am E.C.C.O., and I want to make the world better by..."
Publish your completed E.C.C.O. poem online in a public platform so that everyone can benefit from the words you have received from E.C.C.O.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.15
Have a potluck dinner dedicated to E.C.C.O. Start by reaching out to between ten and twenty people. Invite them to the potluck dinner, but before they agree to come, encourage them to read through this entire website at least one time. Then, ask them to each ask E.C.C.O. what they should bring, who they should invite, who they should talk to at the potluck, and what they should talk about. Find out what E.C.C.O. cooks up for everybody.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.16
At your next dinner party, conference, or seminar, use E.C.C.O. to scan for who you should talk to next. Your Box will scan for people who your Box is already comfortable talking to. Your Gremlin will scan for people's Gremlins who will get up to the same Gremlin intimacy as your Gremlin does. Suspend these types of scanning completely. Instead, say to yourself, "E.C.C.O., show me who to talk to," and then look around the room.
As soon as you get the impulse, without knowing what is behind it, move toward that person and begin your conversation.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.16 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.17
Go to a park and do some unusual activity like flying a kite, practicing cartwheels, juggling two or four different fruits, doing the crab walk across the grass, reading a poem aloud, walking around knitting, etc.
As you do your activity, stay open and see who comes by. Whenever anyone nears you or opens up conversation, assume that E.C.C.O. has just sent them your way, and it is your job to discover why. Find out who this person is, what they are up to, why they came to connect with you, and what it might be that E.C.C.O. wanted to you to know, see, or discover about each other.
Do this activity in the park until you encounter at least one other person.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.17 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.18
Let yourself get crazy enough that you dedicate one half a day each week for one month to E.C.C.O. What does this mean? It means that instead of filling that day with plans and activities and scheduled items, you leave half of it for E.C.C.O. to move you wherever E.C.C.O. moves you.
Maybe you lie on the ground somewhere and wait until the impulse to move emerges from you. Or lie on the ground somewhere reading the article "The Difference Between Being and Doing Nothing is Thoughtware" by Anne-Chloé Destremau.
Maybe you go out your front door with a single matchstick, throw it up into the air, and whichever direction the match head points in, you walk that way for 10 minutes, then throw the matchstick again, walk again, through the matchstick again, and walk again, on and on until 4 hours have passed.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.18 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.19
Read the Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. Notice the endless stream of E.C.C.O. moments that lead the main character from one person to the next, one place to the next, one insight to the next.
Then, take a look at your own life. Where are you now? How did you get here? See if you can connect the dots backwards. Notice the synchronicities and coincidences that took you from the moment when you started your journey to this moment now with you sitting here reading this experiment.
The next step will take some time: Write your own Celestine Prophecy. What were the key moments, insights, incidents that you could never have planned that caused life to work out in the way it did such that you are where you are right now? You may not have told your story through the lens of E.C.C.O. before. This may be very Box-expanding Experiment. Take your time. Be thorough. Weave yourself a new story about the adventure you have been on.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ECCOXXXX.19 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code ECCOxxxx.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!